Best Of New York Fashion Week

MY PICKS New York fashion week is officially over and now all eyes are on London, however, I still can't keep my mind off of my favourite shows from the Big Apple, being my best-liked the one by Mrs Beckham. 

ES: La Fashion Week de Nueva York está oficialmente terminada y ahora todas las miradas están puestas en Londres, sin embargo, no puedo sacar de mi mente algunas de mis prendas y accesorios que más me gustaron de los desfiles de la Gran Manzana, siendo mi favorito el de Mrs. Beckham.

Unlike her S/S 2014 boyish collection (which I love, although I don't think many of you agree with me), this one has a more feminine style and lady-like silhouettes, but of course, without losing that masculine touch. Belts and buttons are replaced by golden chains while transparency and ruffles are seen in numerous shirts and dresses. 

ES: A diferencia de su colección de P/V 2014 (la cual me encantó, aunque no creo que muchos de ustedes coincidan) esta última tiene un estilo más femenino y siluetas lady-like,sin dejar de lado el toque masculino. Los cinturones y botones fueron remplazados por cadenas doradas mientras que las transparencias y volados adornaron varias blusas y vestidos elegantes.

Dress up in black and navy blue the models take over the runway one after another in the Altuzarra show, followed by some in fuchsia, camel and light grey. Above are two coats that I wouldn't mind having in my closet to wear this upcoming winter.

ES: Vestidas en negro y azul marino las modelos se adueñaron de la pasarela en el show de Altuzarra, seguidas por algunas en fucsia, camel y light grey. Arriba hay dos abrigos que no me molestaría tener en mi placard para usar en este próximo invierno.

It was all about black and nude on my second favourite show: The Row. Now, I must say that Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen did an outstanding job in this collection (as always) because it took me, and I am not lying, over thirty minutes to select just these two pieces: a long turtleneck dress and that beautiful broad collar cloak.

ES: Todo se trató del negro y el nude en The Row. Debo decir que Mary-Kate y Ashley Olsen hicieron un trabajo excepcional (como de costumbre) ya que me tomó, y no exagero, casi treinta minutos elegir estas dos piezas: un vestido largo con cuello tortuga y ese hermoso abrigo negro de cuello amplio.

You might think that I am obsessed with coats and you may be right- but hey, that's what winter is about- and how on earth not to be when you have this gorgeous two-toned overcoat from Hugo Boss. Moreover, look at the loafers that it is paired up with.. heaven!

ES: Muy probablemente piensen que estoy obsesionada con los abrigos y tal vez tengan razón - pero hey, de eso se trata el invierno- y como para no, cuando existe este precioso tapado bicolor de Hugo Boss. Ademas, miren los zapatos que lo acompañan.. un sueño!

Talking about shoes, those boots from Altuzarra are to die for and the booties seen on Derek Lam's runway are a truly ready-to-wear.

ES: Hablando de zapatos, estas botas de Altuzarra son para morirse y esas botitas vistas en la pasarela de Derek Lam son un verdadero ready-to-wear

Last but not least, as you probably already know NYFW is one of the most important events in the fashion world, which means that not only models, designer and editors are invited, actors/actresses, singers and socialites are welcome too. Here are my two front-row outfits choices: Emmanuelle Alt at the Hugo Boss show and Nasiba Adilova at Marc by Marc Jacobs.

ES: Por último, como sabrán NYFW es uno de los eventos más importantes en el mundo de la moda, lo que significa que no sólo modelos, diseñadores y editores están invitados, si no que actores/actrices, cantantes y socialites también son bienvenidos. Acá están los dos outfits de primera fila que más me gustaron: Emmanuelle Alt en el desfile de Hugo Boss y Nasiba Adilova en el de Marc by Marc Jacobs.

Now tell me, which was your favourite show/collection and front-row outfit? / Y a ustedes ¿Qué colección o show les gustó más?

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  1. Such a great selection!!!!

    Kisses from

    Today I bring you an stunning Chic outfit that I wore to attend Angel Schlesser's Fashion show....with amazing jewels!!

  2. Fantastic looks! Love the third dress!

  3. The dresses are amazing... I love them :)

  4. I'm loving the tiny chain detail from Victoria Beckham. I so wish I can afford to buy every single piece featured in this post!

    - Gita

  5. loving the pictures youve posted. minimal but BOLD statement pieces!

  6. Una colección estupenda...Tienes un blog genial . Si te parece nos seguimos

  7. Incredible style and blog! :)

    I would like to invite you to my blog! I would be so happy if we support each other!
    I will follow right back when you do so, so just let me know!


  8. Great post!
    Want to follow eachother on blogger and blogovin?

  9. Geniales las propuestas que se han presentado en Nueva York, los que más me gustan los diseños de estilo Lady. Un besote y gracias por este resumen.

  10. Ciao :)
    Great post and choices!!
    Thanks a lot for your visit,I hope to see you soon on my blog,kiss

  11. loved Victoria Beckham's collection! It's so amazing!! I would die if I could own any of her items! =D

  12. I really love Victoria Beckham's collections. Her clothes are always so sophisticated and chic.

    Tracy @ Sunny Days and Starry Nights

  13. Incredibile style just the way i like it

  14. Lovely looks. Would you like to follow each other? Please let me know if you're interested. Check out my blog and outfits on LOOKBOOK

    Louisa Moje

  15. Loving the monochromatic look on the runway! Although I'm not a fan of the super long coat (due to my patite curvey frame) I do enjoy seeing tall slim girls rocking them!

  16. I love these pieces! The small bit of chain adds so much. Thanks for showing these great designs.

    blue hue wonderland

  17. Wonderful review - I loved the white dress from The Row collection and the Derek Lam's booties you picked. They are truly gorgeous. x

  18. In love with everything!

    The Cutielicious

  19. Me ha encantado lo que hemos visto en la semana de la moda neoyorquina, para mi hasta ahora la mejor. Veremos a ver que nos depara Milán.
    Victoria Beckham sin duda, como siempre con una colección exquisita. Si cuando la veíamos en las Spice ya quedaba claro que lo suyo el cante no era.
    Muchas gracias por pasarte por mi blog, te sigo. Te invito a volver al mío y quedarte si te gusta.
    Un beso y feliz fin de semana,

  20. Un resumen genial.


  21. Gran selección de fotos!! Me encantan las propuestas de las nuevas colecciones!


  22. Muy buen resumen!!
    Un besito y feliz finde!!

    No te pierdas mi look de hoy!!

  23. I loved too Victoria Beckham show :) I didn't liked many shows this season :( Thanks for your comment on my blog

  24. great post! really love some pieces!

  25. What a lovely selection of pieces! I love the Olsens pieces a lot x

    Hannah @ FashionistaDigital

  26. Great photos! I love the Derek Lam booties! Just found your blog and really like it! Would you like to follow each other on GFC, Facebook or bloglovin to stay in touch? Let me know, thanks!


  27. Una selección de fotos estupenda!!
    Me encantan esos diseños :)

  28. How beautiful is the long black dress in the second photo!
    Stella from a A Shiny Place

  29. I didn't follow all the new collections but I do like Victoria Beckham's creations.

  30. The booties at Derek Lam! Argh! So gorgeous.

  31. Amazing style! I would love to go sometime x

    if you haven't followed me already then check out my blog! I will always follow back x
