Moving To a New Country

"New year, new country", this is not the typical phrase, I know. but that's how I started my 2016: in a different city, with other customs, same language and a lot of projects. Almost like a brand-new life. About a month ago, I finished my studies in fashion and flew from Buenos Aires to Madrid without layover to start my life on the other side of the ocean. After so much time traveling between those two to visit part of my family and to keep up with university, wondering how it would be like to move to the foreign, I finally get to experience it.

At first, my brain was in vacation mode, thinking that I would take a plane back home at any moment, I kept rushing from one place to another trying to use my time to the maximum, and barely sleeping! Luckily, as the days passed, I assimilated it more and now I can really enjoy my nights (something that my body is thankful for).

Anyways, now it's been 31 days that I been living in this beautiful Spanish town and though I am still settling down and learning all the new manners and slangs, I'm full of hope and really happy about this new chapter in my life

ES: "Año nuevo, país nuevo", no es el típico refrán, lo sé, pero así comencé el 2016: en una ciudad diferente, con otras costumbres, mismo lenguaje y muchos proyectos. Casi como una nueva vida.

Un mes atrás, finalicé mis estudios en moda y volé de Buenos Aires a Madrid sin escalas para empezar esta etapa al otro lado del océano. Después de tanto tiempo viajando entre las dos capitales para visitar a mi familia y terminar la universidad, pensando en cómo sería establecerme en el extranjero, finalmente puedo experimentarlo. 

Al principio mi cerebro estaba en modo vacaciones, sentía que en cualquier momento subiría a un avión de regreso y me la pasaba yendo de acá para allá, queriendo aprovechar mi tiempo al máximo ¡casi ni dormía! pero con el correr de los días fui asimilándolo más y relajándome (algo que mi cuerpo agradece). 

Hoy, ya hace 31 días que estoy viviendo en esta hermosa ciudad española, aún acomodándome y adaptándome a su cultura y, aunque he dejado varias cosas atrás, estoy muy contenta y llena de esperanza por escribir este nuevo capítulo en mi vida.

I was wearing: Primark coat, Zara turtleneck, H&M pants, Michael Kors watch


  1. Wow, that sounds really exciting! Hope you will have a great time in your new home! Your outfit is great - love the camel coat!

    Laura from

  2. Adaptarse a un nuevo lugar es difícil al principio, pero la experiencia es inigualable. Me ha encantado tu outfit y el reloj es precioso.

  3. Love this post! Your coat is gorgeous ♥ And moving to a new county is awesome - it's on my bucket list lol:)
    The Lady Fairer

  4. Wishing you all the best in your new home! I'll miss your photos in Buenos Aires but I look fwd to re-visiting those blog posts. Your outfit looks chic, by the way. I can't live without my camel coats, too! Cheers!

  5. great post honey<3
    kisses from germany, laura ♥

  6. Awesome look, loving the MK watch! Have fun in Madrid!

  7. moving and starting a new life in an other country is challenging, but it's one of the best things in life. Your coat is super cute. You look beautiful

  8. Congrats on a new chapter in your life:) I moved to another country once, when I was a teenager, so I can totally understand how overwhelming, but exciting it is. Can't wait to read more about your new life, and of course, see your new looks!

  9. Love your camel coat over this all black outfit. I also love your watch. I'm so glad you are enjoying your new life in this Spanish town. I wish you lots of luck and happiness.


  10. wow!! that's exceptional!! :D

    Have a great week!
    Animated Confessions

  11. Love how simple this outfit is :) Good luck in Madrid !
    Hope you have a great week <3

  12. Such a simple and chic look. Great style girlie!

    XO, Jessi

  13. Good luck with settling in! Very brave move, I have also moved to the UK a few years ago, was hard but now I'm very happy! And you look gorgeous! <3<3<3

  14. Love this look !! Good luck in Madrid ! :) Xx

  15. So cool look
    Adore this coat

    >> <<


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