
NEWS Remember my last post where I mentioned that I was working on a project? Well, the moment of the revelation has arrived... Are you ready? *drums sound* I'm an official contributor of TOOVIA, an on-line fashion and lifestyle magazine where you can read about trends (and shop them), trips, gastronomy and much more. I am, of course, in the style section and I couldn't be happier of writing about something that I love. I'll be sharing with you tips, how to's, style reports, fashion week reviews and what to wear among others. So, I invite you to check them out and tell me what you think or what would you like to read about next. Hope you enjoy the articles!

ES: ¿Recuerdan que en mi último post les mencioné que estaba trabajando en un proyecto relacionado con la moda? Bueno, el momento de la revelación llegó...¿Están listos? *ruido de tambores* Soy una colaboradora de TOOVIA, una revista online de moda y estilo de vida donde pueden leer sobre tendencias (y comprarlas), viajes, gastronomía y demás. Mi columna está, por supuesto, en la sección de moda, y no podría estar más contenta de escribir acerca de algo que amo. Compartiré tips, how to's, reportes, resúmenes de las fashion weeks y qué usar, entre otros.  Así que los invito a leerlos, dar su opinión y comentar sobre qué les interesaría que escribiera en el futuro. ¡Espero les gusten!

I was wearing Zara knit/bag, Ona Saez jeans, Paruolo heels, sunglasses


  1. Love your pics
    Famous Kiev flea market - http://starlingdays.blogspot.com/2014/09/the-new-old-2.html

  2. Effortlessly stylish, I love this look so much! Btw, congratulation with your project <3 xx

    The Mad Shopper's Dressing Room
    Follow me on Bloglovin

  3. I'm glad you posted a comment on my blog. Your blog is amazing, love your style.You're beautiful.xx


  4. Hello from Spain: nice pics. Great red bag. Keep in touch

  5. Nos encanta el look, el jersey una monada sin duda

  6. Cool outfit! Love the red bag and congrats on being a contributor such a cool opportunity. :)

    Sam x

  7. How awesome! Congrats! I love those sunglasses :)

    -- Michelle | MXP STYLE

  8. Enhorabuena por este nuevo proyecto! Me ha gustado mucho el look, el jersey es genial.

    Un abrazo.

  9. Hola preciosa,
    me encanto el look
    Te ves maravillosa con este sueter
    Un beso
    Maggie D.
    The Indian Savage diary Fashion Blog

  10. Oh qué gran noticia. preciosa con este look!


  11. ¡Enhorabuena por esta colaboración! Seguro que lo harás estupendo, yo te estaré leyendo.
    Tu look es estupendo, me encanta el jersey y la combinación de colores.

  12. Congrats! That sounds like it would be so much fun.

    You look stunning too. I love your sweater and the red bag.

  13. Qué guapa!!! El jersey es precioso! Y me encanta el toque de rojo del bolso!
    un beso!

  14. Great post, dear!
    Inspiring post about charity project: http://starlingdays.blogspot.com/2014/09/blog-post_21.html

  15. You look gorgeous! Turtle neck never look great on me but perfect on you! Anyway, thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! it’s made my day *big smile* ! I really like your blog! Would you like to follow each other to stay in touch? Let me know :) xx

    Kiss me Sunday // Bloglovin

  16. Perfect sweater ! I really love your sens of style :)

  17. Wow, you look nearly like a model in this cool look!

    Thank you for your pleasant comment on my blog. You have a beautiful blog and now I wonder if you want to follow each other?

    xx from Germany/Bavaria, Rena
