How To Rock The Camel Coat From Head To Toes

Camel and more camel, we've been seen a lot of it lately on the runways and on the street, especially on coats. However, the other day while chatting with friends I realised that not everybody dares to wear them, why? because they don't know how to style them. So, if you are one of those and are indecisive about whether to buy one or not, here are a few tips to encourage you.                                        
ES: Camel y más camel, últimamente hemos estado viendo mucho este color, tanto en las pasarelas como en la calle, en especial en abrigos. Pero conversando con amigas me dí cuenta que no todos se animan a usarlos ¿por qué? por no saber cómo. Si tú eres una de esas y todavía estás indecisa acerca de si comprar o no comprar uno, acá hay algunos tips para alentarte.

All eyes on him: make the coat your statement piece by wearing neutrals from head to toes
Add some colour: wear red, yellow, navy blue, light-blue or camo to brighten up the outfit.
Monochrome: if colours are not precisely your thing, you can always match it up with other earth tones.
Patterns: don't be afraid to play around and try different patterns, just remember to stay between the above shades for a winner look.
Jeans: the solution to all our I-don't-know-what-to-wear problems (or most of them), no matter the style or tone just pair them up with a top and you are ready to go.
For the night: a little black dress is a safe move for a chic look. but if you wanna be a little more sexy try with a nude one. Trust me, and you can thank me later.
Accessories: last but not least, when it comes to accessorising choose gold over silver.

Hope this post was helpful for you to rock any overcoat, and don't forget a great attitude when you do so!

Los ojos en él: destaca el abrigo usando neutros de pies a cabeza.
Añade color: el rojo, amarillo, azul oscuro, celeste y verde militar son tus mejores aliados para darle vida al outfit.
Monocromático: si el color no es lo tuyo siempre puedes combinarlo con otros tonos tierras.
Estampados: no tengas miedo de jugar y probar distintas estampas manteniéndote dentro de la misma gama.
Jeans: la solución a todos nuestros problemas de "no sé qué ponerme" (o casi todos),sin importar el tono o el estilo sólo basta con un top para estar listas.
Para la noche: el clásico vestido negro es una opción segura para lucir chic, pero si lo que buscas es verte súper sexy escoge uno en nude. Confía en mi y me lo agradecerás luego.
Accesorios: por último pero no menos importante, elige el dorado sobre el plata para los complementos.

Espero que les ayuden, se animen y no se olviden de una gran actitud cuando lo hagan!

I was wearing: Primark coat, H&M cardigan/top, Zara pants, Adidas by Stan Smith sneakers 


  1. Gorgeous look! Stunning!

  2. Absolutamente precioso!

  3. Yeah, this post is very helpfull because for this time I was afraid of wearing camel coat. I thought that it doesn't look good on me but I think I'll try to wear it with navy blue :-)

  4. You look so classy. Love the coat! Have a great week! xx

  5. You look amazing, and I love how the coat looks on you!

  6. This coat is gorgeous! Camel anything is great and works with almost everything. I like how you kept your look very simple and in neutral tones. Plus the scenery is absolutely breathtaking. I love this whole look and I thought you showed off a great way to wear a camel coat because you did it right!

  7. It looks great on you, and hows that for a great photo shoot location? So awesome!

  8. Love this camel coat! Looks amazing!
    Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

  9. Stunning!

    God bless,

    XO, Claire


  10. Your coat is so chic, great photos

  11. looking so fab!! <3
    love ur style..
    would you like to follow each other?
    let me know! <3


  12. Beautiful pictures! I absolutely love camel ANYTHING!

  13. I just got a similar camel coat in the mail last week. I love the chic and classic color, and you can't go wrong with the simple silhouette!

  14. I have to say I love the classic look and appeal of a camel coat, but it is something I've never thought of owning. This looks like a great one. - Katy

  15. Muy buenas ideas para usar un abrigo camel. La verdad es que a mí me tienen enamorada!

  16. I don't think you can ever go wrong with camel! Such a classic piece!

  17. Love love this coat. This color is perfect for any occasion.

  18. That coat is stunning! Great style girlie.

    XO, Jessi

  19. Living for these photos!

    Love and Peace,
    Dakota D.

  20. Sort of cannot get over this photo shoot! I love a camel coat and needed to find a sexy, easy one like this - so THANK YOU.

    Love the blog, babe!

  21. Me encanta ese color!! Great post:)
    Me puedes seguir en mi blog

  22. Gorgeous photos ! Your coat is perfect :)

  23. Such a beautiful photoshoot, love it. I have been on a hunt for an affordable, but good quality camel coat! Now that it's almost Spring and pretty warm in Texas already, I will have to wait until when it gets cold!

    xo, Nickie

  24. Love what you said about patterns also these photos are stunning!

    Dakota D.

  25. Amazing photos, love this camel coat on you! x

  26. El camel es mi color favorito de otoño, aunque este invierno también lo he vestido mucho.
    Un besito desde

  27. Wow!!! the coat were rocking in the pics and the photography were like roof rising
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  29. A really classy outfit and love that pants!
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