What To Wear When You Are Running Late

what to wear when you are late

Being late now and then is unavoidable, especially nowadays when nobody seems to have enough time and it's very difficult to balance work with social life, social media and our hobbies. But just because we are running late it doesn't mean we have to run out of style, below there are some tips to put on practice on those busy days.

ES: Estar retrasada de vez en cuando es inevitable, especialmente hoy en día cuando nadie parece tener suficiente tiempo y, es difícil equilibrar el trabajo con la vida personal, las redes sociales y los hobbies. Pero sólo porque estemos llegando tarde no implica que dejemos de lado el estilo. A continuación comparto algunos tips para poner en práctica en esos atareados días.

 (image above via: harpersbazaar)

First thing's first, in order to avoid the stress that entails picking up an outfit when you have no time, planning what to wear the night before is the best thing to do. Taking some minutes to prepare your clothes before going to bed will help you to get ready faster in the morning.
Now, in case you missed this step, continue reading.

ES: Para evitar el estrés que conlleva armar un conjunto cuando no tenemos tiempo lo mejor es prepararlo la noche anterior. Tomarte unos minutos antes de ir a dormir para planear qué usarás en la mañana, esto te ayudará a estar lista más rápido.
En caso de saltearte este paso, continúa leyendo.

Wearing head to toes black is a safe and very chic option. It will make you look sophisticated and it won't take you more that 5 five minutes. But what if you are not into all-black looks? Just mixed up some neutrals and you are ready to go.

ES: Usar negro de pies a cabeza es una opción segura y muy chic, te hará lucir sofisticada y no tardarás más de 5 minutos. Pero si el total black no es tu estilo puedes hacer lo mismo con otros neutros o incluso combinarlos entre sí.

Putting a two-piece outfit together when you are in the run cause you a headache? No problem! Throw on a dress, jumpsuit or even an overalls et voilà! Less than 3 minutes.

ES: ¿Armar un outfit de dos o más prendas te resulta un dolor de cabeza? No te preocupes, escoge un lindo vestido, un mono o incluso unos overalls et voilà! Lista en menos de 3 minutos.

Another alternative is to wear basic pieces with a statement accessory. For example, you can put on your favourite pair of jeans/pants, a plain t-shirt and a cute hat or a big necklace for an automatic outfit upgrade.

ES: Otra alternativa es usar prendas básicas junto con un accesorio llamativo. Por ejemplo, puedes combinar tus jeans o pantalones favoritos con una blusa lisa y un lindo sombrero o un statement necklace para elevar tu look al instante.

Makeup plays a key role when we want to look polished, so my advice to you is to always put on some red lipstick. Even if you don't have time to do all your makeup be sure to paint your lips, it takes no time and it will make a big difference. Trust me.

ES: El maquillaje juega un rol fundamental a la hora de lucir bien, por lo que nunca nos debe faltar el clásico labial rojo.  Incluso si no tienes tiempo para realizar toda tu rutina de maquillaje asegúrate de pintar tus labios, es súper rápido y hace una gran diferencia. Créanme.

Hope these tips help you and if you have more don't hesitate to share them in the comments, I love reading them!
Espero que estos tips les sirvan y si tienen alguno no duden en compartirlo en los comentarios ¡me encanta leerlos! 

Constance Murphy
Personal Stylist


  1. Great ideas. I'm going to share with miy wife, I think she would really enjoy this!

  2. Love these tips! My go to last minute outfit is always black! Thanks for sharing these great tips!

  3. Muy buenos tips. El vestido es una opción rápida que sienta fenomenal.


  4. Such great tips! I wish I could plan my outfits the night before, but my inspiration runs on the pressure of being late unfortunately, haha! I love one pieces because they're so easy and super chic!


  5. How cute are these outfits! I love having some great outfits for quick mornings!

  6. I'm the same as you Sheila! I can plan something out the night before, but always change my mind in the morning!

  7. Lovely blog post! My go to is always a black pencil dress with a blazer when I am running late lol

    P.S. I love that you have more than one language on your blog! Very, very impressive.


  8. Fab... I need tips like that. Thank you

  9. Great tips and tricks! I totally agree that wearing an all black outfit is usually the safest choice and it's definitely chic too!

  10. These are all great! I have to lay my clothes out the night before...even my gym clothes or I'll end up being late trying to find clothes that match. Haha. And wearing lipstick always makes you look put together - I agree. Great post!


  11. Muy buenas ideas 💡 me encantan los Looks son geniales. Un blog muy interesante😊👌🏽

  12. Great tips. Beautiful selection of pictures

  13. A tee and a denim pants are always my favorites when I don't have time to think about how to dress up.

  14. So much truth in this! I love wearing all black...so quick to get ready in the morning and I always feel great :) Thanks for this! Cheers, Mary Jane

  15. Love these tips! Especially the lipstick tip! Great! :)

    Sincerely Miss J

  16. Great blog post, the one piece and black are my fav, I will remember this post next time I run late.

  17. These are great tips and great styles. Keeping it simple always works when you are in a time crunch.


  18. What a great article. I love your tips, I like the most is simplicity of the outfits

  19. great advice esp night befor planning. you look great in all the pics!

  20. One pieces are my savior when I'm running late lol. I'm still trying to plan my outfits the night before, but never feel inspired!


  21. Great post idea - I've been there! Next time, I'll grab all black!

  22. Great tips, nusually turn to black when I am running late.
