5 Tips On How To Dress Your Trouble Zone

how to dress trouble zones

As a personal stylist, I believe that all bodies are beautiful and have great features that are worth highlighting, but I also know, that there are some others that we don't like to show off that much. That is why I thought about doing this post, here I'll share with you 5 general tips to keep the eyes away from that trouble zone that makes you feel uncomfortable. 

ES: Como estilista personal, creo que todos los cuerpos son bellos y tienen cualidades que vale la pena destacar, pero también sé que hay partes que no queremos exponer tanto. Por eso decidí hacer este post, aquí les comparto 5 tips generales para alejar las miradas de esa zona conflictiva que nos hace sentir incómodas.

* Avoid wearing bright colours and patterns in that area.
* Draw the attention to the opposite side of your body with garments, colours or accessories. For example: if you think your hips are a little wide, you must focus on your chest, and vice-versa.
* Avoid wearing pieces that highlight that part of your body. Let's say you want your chest to look smaller, long necklaces and horizontal stripes aren't a good option. 
* Compensate. If your upper body is bigger than your lower body, add volume to the latter to compensate it. 
* Give volume to your trouble zone, if needed, by choosing pieces with details such as ruffles, feathers, patterns and horizontal stripes.

EXTRA TIP: Black is always a good option to distract the eye

Hope these were helpful, and remember: no matter your body type you all have something to emphasise, focus on it

* Evita los colores llamativos y estampados en esa zona. 
* Lleva la atención al extremo opuesto del cuerpo con prendas, colores y/o accesorios. Por ejemplo, si deseas disimular las caderas, debes centrarte en tu pecho, y viceversa.
* Evita usar prendas que acentúen esa parte. Supongamos que quieres que tu busto luzca más pequeño, los collares largos y las rayas horizontales no son una buena idea.
* Compensa. Si la parte superior de tu cuerpo es más grande que la parte inferior, agrega volumen a este último para compensarlo.
* Si es necesario o desean añadir volumen elijan prendas con detalles como volados, plumas, estampados o líneas horizontales. 

EXTRA TIP: El negro es siempre una buena opción para desviar las miradas. 

Espero que les hayan sido útiles, Y recuerden, no importa qué tipo de cuerpo tengan, todas tienen algo que destacar ¡enfóquense en ello!

(image via: glamour.es)


  1. nice to see a great write up for people like me whose upper bodies are bigger than their lower bodies. quite informative well done!

  2. Oh wow. I always thought wearing bright colors was a good thing so it can distract! Thats for these awesome tips!

  3. These are perfect tips! I love wearing bright colors, but going to think twice about it now!

  4. These are some great tips. I just wear whatever is comfy. If I look blah in it, ahh well. I do like black!

  5. Some great tips! I am 6 foot tall and quite pear shaped. It is a nightmare trying to find a good skinny jean that flatters and is long enough!

  6. How cool! I think these are great tips for body shapes!

    XOXO // Check out my latest post if you like ;)

  7. Great tips. I think everyone has there own spots they want to discreetly hide and you do a great job giving a lot of ideas.

  8. I agree on the black part. Somehow it slims and it does draw attention away from more troubled zones. Never thought of creating balance by adding to your slighter side. Very interesting.

  9. Love this tip about using "ruffles, feathers, patterns and horizontal stripes." I have totally used this one in the past and it works wonders!

  10. That picture is gorgeous! And great tips!

  11. I am bigger on the top and that is the mistake I make by trying to make it even more bigger ! Will concentrate on the bottom. Thanks for the great tips

  12. Lots of blog posts on dressing but not many tips on handling the pain points thru clever dressing and accessories. Good one!

  13. Thanks for the great tips. I've got way too many trouble spots right now! It's time to get healthy.

  14. Thank you for the really helpful tips! It's always good to know how to hide problem areas!

  15. Muy buenos consejos y es cierto que el negro puede ser nuestro aliado en esos casos!


  16. These are great tips! We all have those areas that we're not really comfortable showing off. I think this is a great way to dress them up.

  17. Great tips, here! Love the pix you've posted, too! Thanks for sharing your secrets :)

  18. Great tips - I am hopeless at getting my fashion on so this really helps.
    Katja xxx

  19. Black is my favorite color for this reason!!

    - Greta

  20. When I dress myself, I tend to just wear solid colours like black, blue or white. Pretty boring, but at least I am not bringing any unwanted attention.

  21. Wonderful tips on how to style your clothing. Black is my go to, as it never goes out of style!

  22. Thee are essential tips! I am a huge fan of covering my not so happy zones haha

  23. These are great tips! I definitely try to highlight my have parts: shoulders and legs!

  24. I like the ruffles idea. I need to up my style just a little for the new season about to embrace us. Especially as a singer who often gets on stage. would be a good idea to enhance that trouble area.

  25. Great post!

    You have a nice blog!

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    Have a great day!

    xoxo Jacqueline

  26. Very nice info.


  27. These are some very useful tips that every girl should know! Thanks for sharing. <3


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